Become a Member

Membership at MassHire Cape and Islands Career Center affords local employers the opportunity to take advantage of the many  Recruitment and Human Resources services offered at the career center. Our professional staff can assist you with something as simple as posting a job on our website or scheduling an on-site interview at the career center to helping you actively recruit candidates or write a job description for the job you are posting that will surely attract the right job candidates. For more information on the services we offer contact Neila at 508-862-6134 or

What is Hire Right?

If you:

  • Have a high turnover
  • Find yourself thinking that good people are hard to find
  • Have trouble finding people who meet your needs, fit into your company’s culture or are qualified to do the job

              You could benefit from Hire Right.

MassHire Cape and Islands Career Center will present a customized version of Hire Right to your management, hiring or recruiting staff.  In addition to the presentation, our staff will address any hiring/recruiting issues you are experiencing.  You will be asked to submit these issues to the program facilitators prior to the presentation date, so they can be addressed during the session. All requests for anonymity will be respected.  No business is too small or too large to take advantage of this service.

Schedule a presentation now.  

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